True conversion changes everything! Believers are not only credited with the gift of Christ’s righteousness but they are sealed with the Spirit of God, making them partakers of a new nature. With their new life in Christ, they will have new affections, and a new power for living. Their new life will go in a new direction. They will have an inclination to walk after the Spirit and not after the flesh.


The Apostle Paul recognizes that the gospel of the finished work of Christ could be misunderstood, resulting in either licentiousness (as explained in Romans 6) or legalism (as explained in Romans 7). It is important that every believer fully lay hold of the eternal life we have been offered in Christ and break free from that which can easily rob us of an experience of Christ’s victory over the power of sin and death.


Join us this Sunday as Pastor MacAdam highlights vital truths in the sixth chapter of Romans regarding deliverance from old life with its many bondages!