No one likes to be misunderstood, especially by those whom we have counted as close friends. It is one thing if people we do not know that well are suspicious of us. It is another thing if those you believed were on your team, had your back, and were in your corner, are suddenly bringing false accusations against you.
This was the experience of the Apostle Paul. A good number of the believers in Corinth, those whom he personally evangelized and discipled were influenced by the slanderous reports of Pauls enemies. Some were now questioning his motivations, his integrity and even his sanity!
We all struggle when we believe we have been wrongly accused. What is the Christ-like response? Sometimes Jesus answered his critics; sometimes not. In the Apostle Pauls second canonical letter to the Corinthians, we can gain some important insights.
Join us for a time of God-glorifying worship as we continue in our teaching series When Life Gets Tough and we observe the example of The Apostolic Art of Self-Defense. Pastor MacAdam will be teaching on 2 Corinthians 1:12-2:4. We will be joyfully celebrating believers baptism after the teaching session.