A recent news article referred to the murder of a Silicon Valley Executive ensnared in the San Francisco underworld of drugs and clubbing. The reporter commented on a host of successful entrepreneurs haunted by an inner emptiness, despite their highly applauded achievements- Theyre highly functioning, very intelligent people, incredibly talented, and theres not much in our world for them to do. They are left asking Is this all there is?
The French refer to this particular boredom with plenty as ennui- a sense of weariness, dissatisfaction, and loathing that arises from an excess of gratification.
How different it is for those who know that they are made for participation in Gods eternal plan. Spiritually-renewed Christians know they are positioned in a Christ-centered universe to live Christ-centered lives. What impedes human participation is the problem of sin. The good news is that God, in His mercy, has put into effect a plan of salvation by which He would reconcile the world unto Himself in such a way that enabled Him to forgive sin without compromising His impeccable sense of justice.
But how are we who believe the gospel to function as reconciled sinners legally and positionally constituted as righteous before God? Do you have a new creation perspective? Has your heart and mind been reconciled to your participation in Gods eternal purpose? What does this kind of life look like?