The marriage rate in the United States is now at an all-time low. It is reported that millennials are the first generation in our nation’s history where a majority remain unmarried (56%). Certainly, it is not always by choice. However, many young women are choosing sterilization rather than hoping for motherhood. Of those women who do choose to bear children, many postpone starting a family until a ‘convenient time’ when children can ‘complement their preferred lifestyle'. Children are considered a ‘nuisance’ until they qualify as ‘educated’, ‘useful’, and perhaps can give their parents sufficient bragging rights at soccer games and the like.

Today, in 25 States, the death rate exceeds the birth rate. Ironically, some of the loudest political voices advocating government sponsored childcare don’t have children.

Children were not highly esteemed in Jesus’ day either. The disciples were annoyed when young children were being brought to Jesus so He could pray for them. Jesus became indignant and rebuked his disciples. He insisted that children be valued. He saw each child, no matter what their age, as a living soul made in His image. Like all humans, every child desperately needs salvation. They need to repent of their sins and believe the gospel. But unlike many adults, young children give no pretension of being able to acquire salvation by themselves. They need a Savior.

Join us this Sunday as we explore the indispensable quality that is required in order to receive the kingdom of God.

Mark 10:15 15  "Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all."

We will be hosting a time of dedicatory prayer for young families, commending parents and children to the gracious care of our Lord and to the Scriptures so they can know the way of salvation. We also pray that our New Life Community will be a supportive influence in the lives of the young ones among us.